My name is Gaël Arpin and I am a winegrower and artist.


Whether you’re a wine connoisseur or enthusiast, your love of good taste has brought you to this website.


I love to share my passion for wine, so let me take you on a journey that will tantalise your senses.

If you prefer to browse independently and “cut to the chase”, just click on the menu icons and tabs at the top of the page, as you would on a regular website.


Otherwise, for something a little different, let the “virtual guide” escort you on your browsing experience. On each page, it will show you to the next page. Simply click on the "Par ici la visite" (“Tour this way” sign).


There may be several pages in each chapter so every page is numbered at the bottom to help you navigate, especially useful for those who opt for the classic navigation mode.

Simply scroll down using your mouse to read the entire central section. This will also let you view and enjoy the entire photo. Go on, give it a try!

Now it’s time to open this large book and start your journey...



